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Bondarms Roughneck Build BY FRAGOUT FIREARMS

Custom Bondarms Roughneck 2.5" Barrel Scroll Build
Model Used:

its a whole new design and everything in regards to the previous roughneck design i did a few years back! 

Bundle includes:
- Blank templates

- custom scroll design vector artwork hand drawn by yours truly

- Stacked, 1 color, negative, and Outline layouts of the Scroll artwork and designed layouts for the specific items engraved. 

- ****scanned notes of project on my end (highly encourage you to check these out)
- Also includes the standalone scrolls  along with an editable version of the layouts masked and you can play with those files if youre comfortable doing so. 

- alt layout of the right side without the serial number cut out so if yours doesnt match mine, you can cut out what you need too for yours. 

Be sure to check out the timelapse video for this one especially with how i positioned the pistol

and various parts to make it engrave as good as it did.

Thanks for checking out my work!
Be sure to post it on Instagram and tag me @Fragout_Firearms so i can see!!!!


Thanks you for your business!!! 

Steven Watts


Bondarms Roughneck 2023 Build

$353.00 Regular Price
$203.00Sale Price

File Formats included in the zip folder are:

- Ai (and Ai8) *ezcad ready files
- PDF 

(all fully editable vector graphics and high res layouts)

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